• IP18.226.28.11
  • ISPUnknown
  • LocationUnknown, Unknown, Unknown
  • StatusUnprotected

Have Your Passwords
Been Stolen in a Data Breach?

Try our free data breach scan today and start protecting yourself from cybercriminals.

For your security, your email address is not transmitted to or stored by FullShield. Learn more about our Zero-Knowledge Security here.

Why protecting yourself and family in internet is so important?

  • 24%

    Of Americans have used the word “password,” “Qwerty” or “123456” as their password.

    Statistic from Google

  • $8.64m

    The total cost of a data breach in America in 2020.

    Statistic from IBM

  • 420,175

    Passwords are stolen every day

    Statistic from Google

  • 23%

    Of data breaches are caused by human error

    Statistic from IBM

  • 65%

    Of people reuse passwords across multiple, if not all, sites.

    Statistic from Google

  • 52%

    of data breaches were caused by malicious attacks, and each breach costs an average of $4.27 million.

    Statistic from IBM

Data breaches are on the rise and millions of personal records have been stolen and are available on the Dark Web. We are constantly building products to keep you and your family safe and less likely to be targeted.


All plans come with a 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

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  • 7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
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VPN Individual (2 Years)


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